Founded in 1961, the Association of University Cardiologists (AUC) is an organization that is limited to an active membership of 175 academic cardiologists from the United States, elected by their peers.
The group has a purely educational purpose and meets once per year in January for a two-day session of scientific interchange. The members traditionally are the leaders and best investigators in American cardiology.
The Association of University Cardiologists contains those cardiologists who shape the course of research and training in cardiovascular disease in this country.
"I am aware that there are so many meetings these days that it is almost impossible to attend them all...but there is a lack of a common meeting ground where university cardiologists can discuss problems with which they are most concerned--clinical research and clinical cardiology.
I have therefore been giving some thought during the past ten years as to whether or not it would be a good idea to develop an association of university cardiologists for academic people who are directly connected with universities."
George E. Burch, MD. Excerpt from a letter from George E. Burch, MD, Tulane University to Carleton B. Chapman, MD, Southwestern Medical School, 1960.
Click here for a brief history of the AUC.